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Transfer of 108 acres of collective industrial land in Shunyi District, Beijing

7,375,000 USD
3 view
Land ID: 48131 Update time: 2020-09-26 10:46:48
Trading years: 32 years Size: 17.79ac
Transaction type: for sell

Words from Seller

<p>Location: Zhao All Ying Town Government to the west.</p><p>Land nature: Collective land industrial land</p><p>covers an area of 108 acres</p><p>of its own vegetable</p><p>buildings: about 500 square meters of three-storey house and about 500 square meters of small bungalows.</p><p>Hydro facilities: can pick up the hydropower</p><p>contract for 32 years, rent, sell, price interview.</p><p><br/></p>

Transportation & Other Facilities

Highway: <30mins
Port: 30-60mins
High-speed railway:<30mins
Provincial/Interstate highway:
National highway:<30mins
County road:
Township road:
Village road/Self-built road:
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