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Dream Block, Doonan-30418

528,900 USD
84A Botanica Circuit, Doonan, Qld 4562
7 view
Land ID: 71018 Update time: 2020-10-20 16:31:21
Trading years: 99 years Size: 0.94ha
Transaction type: for sell

Words from Seller

Now is the time to get off the grid, grow your own, and build what you want, in a beautiful part of the near Noosa hinterland. Down a private drive shared by 2 other properties, it is not visible from the road. The front and rear boundaries have established shrubs and trees. It is 2.33 usable acres with lily filled dam in a prime part of Doonan, just minutes from Noosa. There are oranges, lychees, mangos and more, with plenty of room for expansion of orchard and establishment of vegetable gardens.

Transportation & Other Facilities

Highway: >60mins
Port: >60mins
High-speed railway:>60mins
Provincial/Interstate highway: >60mins
National highway:>60mins
County road: >60mins
Township road:30-60mins
Village road/Self-built road: 30-60mins
Water supply: tap water
Heat supply: other ways
Energy:natural gas pipeline
Communications: connected
TV system:connected
Internet system: connected
Greening: class I
Parking:to be improved
Education: complete
Medical treatment:basically complete
Sanitation: basically complete
Entertainment:basically complete
Food: basically complete
Attractions within 5 km:
Area of tenure(ac,sqm,ha):
Exclusive use area(ac,sqm,ha):
Apportioned area(ac,sqm,ha):
Building type:
Building area(ac,sqm,ha):
Building density:
Plot ratio:
Green area ratio:
Limited height:
Nearby industrial clusters:
Comfort index:
Noise index:
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