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10000 square meters resort villa for rent in Baisha County, Hainan

501,500 USD
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Land ID: 11456 Update time: 2020-09-20 10:54:49
Trading years: 70 years Size: 10000sqm
Transaction type: Lease of use rights

Words from Seller

<p>Located in the town of Qifang, Baisha County, Hainan Province, covers a total area of 15 acres, including an eco-orchard area of 11.2 acres, fish pond area 2.32 acres, building area 1.68 acres (with Hainan agricultural property certificate), has a building 6 bedrooms, 2 rooms 3 cooks 2 hygienic, there are large homesteads to build houses, eco-garden Pepper, dragon eye, banana, mango and other fruits, mountain is located by the reservoir, beautiful environment,Shan clear water show, fresh air, excellent location. Hainan is an international ecotourism island. With the country's strong support for the construction of Hainan, and the unique climate conditions in Hainan, there are now many people in the province who want to buy a house in Hainan to invest in or fund, this mountain has a lot of space for appreciation, it is a good place for visionary people to live Fang, can also be built into different styles of homestays... Today the limited-purchase policy of buying a house in Hainan is still more strict, our hills are free to buy, fine decoration, bag occupancy, owners sincerely sell, can always go to the hill.</p><p><strong><span style="font-family: 华文中宋;font-size: 19px"><span style="font-family:华文中宋">For details please contact mobile phone number Add WeChat friends, or follow (Hainan earth flow network) WeChat public number, land resourcesContinuous update!</span></span></strong></p><p><br/></p>
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