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Hainan Ling Shui Lai Autonomous County 178 square meters home base

265,500 USD
7 view
Land ID: 23678 Update time: 2020-09-23 08:35:36
Trading years: 70 years Size: 178sqm
Transaction type: Lease of use rights

Words from Seller

<p>The land is located in Lingshui County, Hainan, 178 square meters homestead, currently the land is open, water and power are connected, can be reported; the lot of life and transportation are very convenient, just off the road, a lot of villagers have built up buildings, surrounding a kindergarten and a middle school, 200 meters away, and leisure culture Square, also very close to the market, travel is very convenient, not far from the county government, busAbout 5 minutes to the bus stop, more than 500 meters from the high-speed speed, 15 minutes by car to the high-speed rail station!Price 1.8 million yuan.The landowner can provide a free account to assist with the construction, and the costs present in the reporting procedure need to be borne by themselves.This mountain clear water show, between the vast expanse of yishan water and earth, yishan water room room, gourmet with beautiful views, and also live safely.Perhaps you used to grow up in a mountain green water show and aspire to urban bustling.When we live in this bustling city, and after enjoying the landscape of people, we only find that mountain Qingshui show place is the place to aspire, so experience the bustling one's aspire is the quiet and distant mood.</p> <p></p>

Transportation & Other Facilities

Highway: <30mins
Port: <30mins
High-speed railway:<30mins
Provincial/Interstate highway:
National highway:<30mins
County road:
Township road:
Village road/Self-built road:
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