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375 square meters farm home for rent in Jizhou District, Tianjin

1,033,790.63 USD
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Land ID: 48355 Update time: 2020-09-26 11:29:28
Trading years: 70 years Size: 375sqm
Transaction type: Lease of use rights

Words from Seller

The farm house is located in Thiezhou District, Tianjin, land area: 375 square meters, use area of more than 1000 flat, price is: 100,000/year, starting lease period 2 years.1, the courtyard sitting north facing south, the main room 2 floors, the lower room 2 floors, the middle courtyard and there are steps to climb, is the unique complex in the village 2, the facilities are fully equipped, can directly take over the business, the main farm rice and accommodation, a total of 16 rooms, 42 beds, all separate toilet 3, located in the business for more than 15 years In the resort, the environment is beautiful, the management code, the security, the security and the security of the passenger flow.4, water free (please save, because deep well groundwater, like mountain springs), electricity cost about 0.8 yuan per degree, green mountain surround, is natural oxygen bar, fruit and vegetables mountain wild vegetables supply plenty
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