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Transfer of 285 acres of orchards in Kidong

147,500 USD
5 view
Land ID: 68565 Update time: 2020-09-28 23:09:35
Trading years: 6 years Size: 46.95ac
Transaction type: for sell

Words from Seller

The orchard is located in Qidong City, Jiangsu Province. The main cultivation of Fairview yellow peach and crested pear. There are two lots. One block of 100 acres, which has 40 acres of pear garden and 60 acres in Taoyuan, are all in the sixth year.Another 185 acres, dominated by sixth year yellow peaches, a small amount of water peach, some winter peach, 20 acres of pear trees in the fourth year, and a total of 10 acres of morning peach and water peach planted this year.The annual ground rent of the orchard costs RMB 200/mu.The contract is signed until the end of 2026, expiring renewables.Because he was in the field, the home was unmanageable and could only be transferred.With nearly 3 million yuan upfront, it's just asking for someone to take over. Experienced and interested friends are welcome to take over.Two plots can be transferred together, or one of them can be transferred, or other forms of cooperation can be negotiated. The orchard has plenty of water source, 2-3 m wide ditches, convenient, no more than two hours by car from Shanghai.Cement straight, fertile loess, good soil. Orchards are equipped with a tractor, rotary tiller, orange rod, motorcycle triwheel, electric three-wheel and other regular work needs equipment.Made a concrete road, water and electricity, built temporary housing. Current use: the current plot uses the status quo for planting; suitable for projects: this plot is ideal for projects from planting trees;
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