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Transfer of 1000 mu (including 280 acres of breeding land) comprehensive land in Zhuwang Town, Rushan, Weihai

737,500 USD
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Land ID: 48970 Update time: 2020-09-26 14:03:27
Trading years: 40 years Size: 164.74ac
Transaction type: for sell

Words from Seller

<p>Basic information: The place is located in the town of Rushan, covers an area of about 1000 acres, now foreign transfer.Area traffic: About 10 minutes from the town, up the hill road for cement road, large car access, convenient transportation.</p><p>Lot situation:<span style= "color:rgb (102, 102); font-family: “PingFang SC”, “Microsoft Yahei”; font-size: 14px; background-color: rgb (255, 255, 255); ">The plot is large,</span>mostly terraced, and is integrated into pieces.There are hog sheds and cattle sheds on the mountain, 280 acres out of 1000 acres for breeding land, formalities are available, farm farming can be built and a separate house can build cold storage.</p><p>Water supply conditions: There are three large reservoirs in the plot, can be used for irrigation, aquaculture products.</p><p>Facilities: Resident house one place, water and electricity and other basic facilities are complete.The transfer year is: 40 years.</p><br/><p>External transfer of 5 million, the site is not sublet only, please contact me if you are looking good.</p>
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