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Weihai Rongcheng City Renzhen 120-acre sea cucumber pool for rent

212,400 USD
13 view
Land ID: 48994 Update time: 2020-09-26 14:12:06
Trading years: 10 years Size: 19.77ac
Transaction type: for rent

Words from Seller

<p>Basic information: The water is located in the town of Rongsheng city and town, an area of about 120 acres, now divided into three pools, the area is: more than 30 acres of two pools, more than 40 acres of pool one, the pool is now not rented alone, the water is not leased alone, the water is not leased only.</p><br/><p>Area traffic: around the road is flat, accessible to vehicles, convenient transportation.</p><p>Amenities: four living houses, living water need to pull their own water, hatchback electricity, sedan, non-woven dam, natural nachide, 3,000 sets of mesh boxes, four rafts, eight boats, basic equipment, these supplies alone have a transfer fee of 100,000.The transfer year is 10 years.The ground rent is delivered: one and a half year rent can be paid at a time.The rent is 1200 yuan per acre per year.Please contact me if you are looking good.</p>
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